30 hours
Recommended schedule :
Boost : 6 hours / week in 3 weeks + follow up : 12 hours tailor-made.
Or tailor-made
All levels from A0 up to A2.2.
Private course or together with your family.
You just arrived in Belgium, alone or with your family ? You’re going to stay in Belgium for a couple of months or several years.
You want to speak French or Dutch quickly. You want to express yourself with more confidence in the social life of your new environment. Talk Forum proposes a language course specifically made for persons and families in your situation.
The core of the lessons are the pragmatic communicational goals
With the relocation formula the participant is able to :
- Have command of the basics of the target language
- Use the language correctly in everyday situations : presentation, networking, etc.
- Adapt to new situations : fill in forms, register your child in a school or a club, organise a trip,etc.
- Get to know the culture a lot better, discover your region.
Programme and content
The participant and Talk Forum set up the timetable you prefer. We suggest to start with 3 weeks of semi-intensive courses followed by 12 hours tailor-made. The courses can be organised for 1 person or for your family. The courses are organised at your place.
The teacher sets up the programme of the session in function of your needs and timetable.
The interaction between the participants and the trainer as well as the dialogue are the core of every lesson. The participants receive a practical document which is used in the lesson as well as a theoretical document containing new elements: grammar, vocabulary, phrases etc.
The trainer also introduces self-study material: for example, sites with exercises, online-exercises, videos or dialogues to put the new material into practice. In order to make more progress, the participants receive homework: the use of the new vocabulary, preparation of a presentation, watch a video, etc.
Advantages of the formula
The relocation formula is ideal for those learning a new language or to improve the target language. The knowledge and the newly-learned elements are put into practice in everyday situations.
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